Sunday, March 29, 2020

Unsung Suffragettes

Think Globally, Highlight Locally
Celebrate your community's suffragists.

March/April 2020

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Civil Rights Leaders & Labor Leaders

In 1957 the Little Rock Public School was the center of attention during the Civil Rights movement.  Nine brave souls fought for justice and equality.  The Little Rock Nine  are very well studied and honored.  In class I usually play the video of the United States Army escorting them into school.  But did you know it was also the location for en epic equal pay law suit.  African American teachers in Arkansas were paid significantly unequally.  White teachers in high school were paid $856 annually while black high school teachers were paid $567 annually. White elementary teachers were paid $526 annually while black elementary teachers were paid $331 annually.   Sue Cowan Morris fought for equal pay for African American teachers alongside the NAACP.
Also check out Harriet Elizabeth Brown  another Labor Leader who pushed for equality for teachers.