Monday, January 6, 2020

San Francisco Sit-in

An effective tool for civil disobedience is the sit-in.   It  sends a powerful message and usually sparks legislative change.  The sit in's in Greensboro, North Carolina are well discussed and  analyzed.  The images from the Woolworth's service counter are legendary. The courage and strength of these young men and women are well recorded.   Here is another lesser know sit-in. A group of activists lobbied for the government to pass section 504.  This law protected the right of people with disabilities.  Judith Heumann led the epic sit in of a federal building.  She is a unsung hero that is often overlooked. This sit in for disability rights in San Francisco carried on for 25 days!  Judith Heumann fought intolerance and won.  In the classroom I compare these the two epic sit-ins.