Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Louis Bonacasa: Serviceman's Poetry

Teaching and discussing the sacrifice of fallen soldiers is very important on Memorial Day.  Here is a poem written by a brave soldier who had the lines of his poem tattooed to his chest before deployment.  Read: Daddy's Little Girl  by Staff Sgt. Louis Bonacasa.

Excerpt From Daddy's Little Girl:

Your pretty smile will melt my heart

And your sad cries will always tear me apart

Daddy will be there to wipe away your tears

And there to protect you from all your fears

Your sweet little laugh will be music to my ears

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Journeys of Conviction

Paul Revere was a famous patriot who significantly contributed to the American Revolution.  He participated in the Boston Tea Party and helped organize a network of soldiers to keep a surveillance on British military.  He is famously known for his dangerous Midnight Run to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming.  His Midnight Run included a boat ride across the Charles River and a horse ride through the country side.  (Approximately 13 miles) But did you know about these two runs?

Sybill Luddington: Heroine of 1777: At just 16 years old Luddington made a fantastic contribution to the American Revolution. She rode all the way from Putnam County, NY to Danbury CT. She rode over 40 miles to warn soldiers that the British were approaching.

Rosalie Gardiner Jones: Heroine of 1913: Rosalie Gardiner Jones was a dedicated supporter of the cause. Her fight to gain the right to vote covered many years.  In 1913, she hiked 200 miles in 20 days to present a petition for suffrage.  Her courage in the face of hostility, eggs and tomatoes was amazing.  Despite her many obstacles she said "I am equal to man!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Historic Buffalo Soldiers

Buffalo soldiers were a very important part of American history.  They were African American soldiers who were historically not treated equally and under appreciated.  The phrase "Buffalo Soldier" was developed from Native American Indians who fought against them during the Indian Wars.  Buffalo soldiers served in the Indian Wars, Spanish American War and World War I.

Augustus Walley: He was born into slavery and freed as a result of the Civil War.  He was twenty when he enlisted as a soldier.  His courage under fire and strength led him to rescue troops on the plains during the Indian Wars.  Second, he fought along side Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders at the Battle of San Juan Hill during the Spanish American.  Last, he was promoted and selected to train troops during World War I.  He dedicated his life to protecting and serving the U.S. 

Cathay Williams  was born as a slave and freed as a result of the Civil War. Williams was the first African American to enlist in the U.S. Army.  In order to fight she disguised her gender.  She was a true pioneer.